All About Me

Here is a little bit about my background. I qualified with a Childcare Diploma NNEB 30 years ago. I have worked in many different sectors in Childcare throughout the UK and abroad. In 30 years I’ve read a lot of stories to a lot of children! I love picture books and I love reading them. Storytime is always my favourite part of the day, whether I am working as a nanny, a nursery manager or as an English instructor in Japan. Sharing my love of stories and kamishibai means I get to do what I love as my job!
I furthered my knowledge of Childcare, Early Years and Education through achieving a BA Hons in Early Childhood Studies at Roehampton University, London and I obtained Early Years Teacher Status.
It was when I was working as an English instructor on the beautiful island of Okinawa that I first encountered Kamishibai. The literal translation is paper theatre. I am embarking on a journey to bring the paper theatre of Japan to a nursery near you.